Friday, June 17, 2022

Priest vacation and a bit more

    Judging from Greg's photos from his time with the priests in Wyoming I would have to say it's not in the camping category but more getaway/vacation category. To say he and Carter had a fun time is an understatement. Between the fly fishing, shooting and temple visit they had a trip of a life time. I won't go into all the details of their time with the priests but I'll let the photos tell their story. Lets just say the Kmetzsch boys, (Greg and Carter) dominated in all the activities/events.  

 Star Valley Lodge was legit.



This place looks so amazing and I'm told the photos don't do it justice.


If we hit the lottery maybe we can rent this place for the family some day.


    Sadly on the way home there was a bit of a mishap and the Built car and a dog collided and neither came out too well. The dog is in a 'better place' and the car is in the shop after air bags deployed. Thankfully no humans were hurt and it gave Greg an excuse to take a drive back to Wyoming to pick up the damaged car a few days later. P.S. Greg was not driving when the accident occurred.

 Who would have guessed hitting a dog would cause the airbags to deploy. Farm dogs next to a highway = possible accident.

    Charlie had a great time with her friends last weekend and they always send photos so she can remember the fun forever.


     And I captured this cute cuddle session just the other day. 
A rare moment of Harley sitting still and being chill.

    So there you have it! Fun times for all involved in these photos. And if you didn't know, our bishop has been stolen away to be the new stake president for our stake so our ward leadership is now headed for a drastic change. I usually don't mind change but this one stung! And we had one of our bigger ice cream gatherings Sunday and hopefully we'll continue to see the bishop/stake president occasionally at our ice cream gatherings.

This is just a fraction of all who came and of course we ran out of ice cream.

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