Saturday, May 14, 2011

Deep Thoughts!!


A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite.  Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone.  "Hear that?" you say.  "That's dynamite, baby."

   I love a good Deep Thought and last night with several neighbors these were being quoted until we were nearly in tears and this was by far my most favorite one!!
    As for the events of our past week they've been some what low key.  We've had sick kids, a sad excuse for Mother's Day that I can't complain about but not one for the memory book and regular weekly events.  Poor McClane has got to win an award for being the most awesome baby ever.  The kids had a pretty bad cold for over a week with goopy eyes and all but I thought he'd get over it and we'd move on but not everyone agreed so I finally relented and took him to the doc and sure enough he had ear infections in both ears.  How he could be so wonderful despite that I'll never know but he's now had antibiotics for a few days and is considerably better and still the best baby ever!!
     There was some mechanical repairs done in our driveway!

  I love when they get so creative with their toys and dad's tools/toys.

   Then I had another thrilling meeting with another "Kid History" star, Dave Roberts.  He just happened to be at the soccer fields at the same time as us.  So of course you know I accosted him and made sure to take my photo with him.  He was just as nice as his brothers and let me gush all over him.

  Then it was Mother's day and I won't go into details but lets just say Greg forgot because he was too mad at me for turning the TV on first thing in the morning so he ditched me and slept on the couch and left me to do all my regular Sunday morning chores.  I love you Greg, no hard feelings!!

Aunt Camille with sickly McClane

Isaac, Carter, Uncle Josh and Mark looking at fun stuff on the computer!  (I believe there was a nice full moon in one photo they found online.)

   We did spend some time that evening with Greg's Mom and other family members and had a nice dinner so that was nice.

    Then just this morning I gave in to persistent pestering and took the kids to one of their favorite parks in Cedar Hills for an hour and they had a great time playing and swinging and rolling down the hills of grass.

  It's been a full week but thankfully not too stressful.  We were so thankful that cousin Steven Blodgett had a successful Rotationplasty surgery and is doing so awesome in his recovery so far.  We also were so thrilled to see Cousin Nathan Kmetzsch who just returned from his mission in Brazil and to top it all off we had a great time watching Cousin Jacob Kmetzsch perform in "Oklahoma!" as Curly McLain.  He was incredible and Isaac was especially curious to know if he was really kissing "Laurie" all four times!  There's nothing like being 15 and having your first kisses watched by hundreds of people including your parents!  He seemed to kiss like a pro though so maybe there was a little practicing before hand but I don't know that for sure.
   Anyway, we had a great week and are looking forward to these final weeks of school being over with and on to summer break!!!


Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes.  That way, you'll be a mile from them, and you'll have their shoes.

1 comment:

Grandpa Baker said...

My favorite: 'If you ever drop your keys in hot lava, just let 'em go. Because they're gone, man.' Anyway, thanks for posting all the cute stuff. Love, Mormor