Friday, May 6, 2011

Birthdays and other stuff

    Sorry this is going to be a little long but I'm making up for a few weeks.  We've had baseball games, birthday celebrations for Carter and Mark, Easter and milestones reached for baby McClane, Mark and Carter.  Our family has actually grown recently too. Here's a visual history of the past several weeks and a little commentary to go with it.

Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard!

Carter's a big 6!

One of his gifts!

Mark receiving his Webelos badge and Arrow of Light! 
Goodbye cub scouts hello New scouts!

The Arrow of Light was drawn on his forehead with symbolism for each "ray".  Mark was a good sport and ate up all the attention he got.

Mark's 11th birthday!

Greg insisted on a picture in front of the snow filled back yard to record in history that it snowed 4 inches on Mark's birthday which is typical Utah spring weather.

Carter lost his first tooth and was thrilled!!

Baby McClane is now sitting up and playing with toys.

McClane is also finding many ways to get himself stuck.

Mark up to bat at one of his many ball games.  He's having a pretty great season so far.
    Then we had a family barbecue to celebrate our two birthday boys and then right after that we drove to Idaho Falls for the day to celebrate my newest nephew's arrival and attend his baby blessing.  It was a quick trip but fun and it was kind of nice to have the kids up so early because they were too tired to act up in church and it made sitting through Sacrament meeting a lot more pleasant and if I'd had a little more sleep it would have been even better but it was worth the long drive and fun to see my brother and his cute family and we're so glad for the chance we had to meet little Cole.
    Then my parents came for a few days along with my baby sister, Marie and her darling little girl, Lottie.  Lottie is pretty much a "Baker" baby through and through as far as looks go, at least in my opinion and I could hardly stop staring at her.  No picture can quite do her justice but she is DARLING!!!  I watched her while my mom, Greg, Marie, Kayli and Mark attended the "Hope of America" program that Mark participated in and despite her cuteness she gave me a run for my money.  She was missing her mom and didn't let me forget it for nearly the whole night.  Thankfully she took a break from crying and slept and eventually ate a little but she cried most of the time and gave me a better appreciation for what some mothers go through when they have colicky babies.  She isn't colicky obviously but having her cry for such an extended length of time made me think of how it could be and boy am I so thankful I've had such wonderful and easy babies and "Lottie, I still think you're the cutest thing ever and I'd take you even if you did cry on and off for hours straight!!"
Carter and his six candles and a chaotic "Happy Birthday" sing-a-long.

Mark and his 11 candles and an even crazier "Happy Birthday" rendition.
    It was fun having my parents here and now that they've gone home I'm on my own again with no one to pick kids up for me and take them to their different activities and there's no one for the kids to go to besides me for entertainment but we'll get by and hope they'll come again soon.

Idaho Falls

Brock trying to help Grandpa with his R/C helicopter.

Grandpa/Dad attempting to fly his helicopter in the house.  (I wouldn't recommend this if you're afraid of sharp helicopter blades slashing at you sporadically.)

Sister Jackie taking a quick ride on the scooter.

Grandpa, Lottie and McClane chilling in the kitchen.

Me and Lottie in a moment of joy before the water works started back up.

Mark and McClane enjoying a minute at the park while waiting for Carter and Isaac to do their tutoring.

Brock's first spring swim in the neighbors dog pool.  I knew he'd be soaked in a matter of seconds!
   And last but not least introducing our newest family member...................

(Cosmo still doesn't know what to think of her but she seems happy and the kids love her.)

1 comment:

Annie B Larson said...

How old is Rosie? And where did you get her?

Lottie did that to me a couple times. Now when she comes the kids keep her pretty entertained and she is good (besides the kleenex incident)
Marie said she came home with a cold of some sort so maybe she just wasn't feeling good.

Your April, May is like my January February. Why did we have our babies so close to each other?