Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just a Couple of Things

    I'll start with our newest basketball wonder, Isaac!  He had his first game last Saturday at 8 a.m. and it was his first time playing on a basketball team and it was also his first time playing with this team.  We hadn't gotten the notice about any pratices up until then and so he hadn't met his coach or his fellow players and apparently he didn't need to, the kid is a natural!  He made the first three baskets of the game and several after that.  He pretty much made every shot he attempted.  Now he may not dribble all the time but he moves a ton and thankfully when you're only in third grade you don't get called for traveling or most other things and they only play 4 against 4.  He played again on Tuesday night and was just as successful at shooting.  Now with a little practice he just may be one of the star players.
This is a shot of him before the game sharing his basketball with a fellow player.  (He's a nice boy too!)
   And not to just single out one but let me add another child to our "Amazing" list.  Kayli is a CHAMPION!  That's right, she won the Iron Chef competition at her middle school with her 3 other teammates.  I don't know all of what they cooked up but I do know Kayli's contribution was home made ice cream and thankfully it all came together despite last minute notice on her part.  Let's just say the night before the competition her dad was a little frustrated with her.  Here she is wearing her award apron.

And last and least really, I found the cutest chair while checking out a new little boutique in American Fork.  It's a perfect addition to my basement and some day it will have a spot of it's own.  For now I'm using it as a desk chair until this basement can be worked on a little more.  Greg is actually working on shelves in the storage room and if HIS plan works my work out equipment can go in there making the basement a little more 'homey'.  And if MY plan works I'll be getting new carpet in the very near future, if I can decide on the right color.  Yellow and white walls with black and white accent colors...  any suggestions on a carpet color that is both a good match and would be forgiving with six busy kids?  Feel free to make any comments on this before I choose all on my own and make a choice I might regret.
   Here's the chair I bought just so you can get an idea of what my taste is.


meg baker said...

Yeah Isaac and Kayli! I'm super proud of you guys. Okay I'm a bit more proud of the chef because that is my passions, but I love sports too so that is awesome. Your chair is really cute. I have no suggestions for carpet...I'm boring and like brown hehe.

Jackie said...

You will have to let us know when Isaac has a game that isn't at 8a.m. so we can come watch him=) So, I was looking on line for ideas of carpet colors. Check this picture out at

I think a light tan would look nice after looking at this room I sent you or the speckled gray like you had shown me. Good luck deciding. I am sure whatever you decide will look great.

Elaine Baker said...

I'm going to try and make a comment, but it probably won't work. I think a gray carpet would go very well. 'cuz that's the color of dirt. Anyway, I'm very pleased with those grandkids of mine and I love the chair.

Annie B Larson said...

I will repeat what mom said. Grey, dirt color. Can't go wrong.
Congratulations Kmetzcsh kids!!