Sunday, January 29, 2012

My New Paradise!

    Well here's my second post in one week but I just couldn't wait to share in my excitement.  The carpet layers were here a little after 9 a.m. and were done before 2 p.m. which I thought was quite fast.  Having it done that early gave us plenty of time to put everything back in it's place, or a different place depending on how we were feeling.  So now on to a few before and after photos.  And in case you can't totally tell what color the carpet is, it's a flecked grey and I LOVE IT!!

Here's the storage room literally stuffed full of all the furniture from the basement.

It's like an episode of hoarders or something.

And here's the empty basement.

One of the bedrooms.  Isaac and Carter's to be specific.

And the other room, Mark's.

And now looking from the little hall way.

What do you think, maybe I should have gone with pink carpet.  Thankfully this is just the pad.

TA DA!  The stairs have never looked better.

Looking down from the stairs.  The carpet goes so perfectly with the grey tile and black mantle.

Yes!  Finally the same color carpet clear through to the bedrooms.

Mark and McClane enjoying the empty basement.

Mark's room with carpet.

Carter and Isaac's room with carpet.

Now looking down fromt he top of the stairs.

The first thing you see when you walk down the stairs with the furniture in place.

The furniture and desk all put back but not in the exact same spots.

Some day I'll have the furniture I really want but for now this will have to do.  I'm just going to enjoy this carpet for now!!


Julie Lloyd said...

new carpet is the best! living in luxury girl! enjoy!

meg baker said...

Great job! Picking carpet looks hard, but I love what you picked. I guess we will have to visit sometime soon to examine in the flesh:)

Jackie said...

It really looks nice and even better in person. I'm a bit jealous. You are super lucky!

Annie B Larson said...

Love it. You chose the perfect color. Can't wait to see it in real life.