Saturday, October 13, 2012

Update and Hiking

    So it's been awhile since I updated the kid's pictures in my kitchen where I have them displayed so nicely.  So I asked my kind brother-in-law, Blaine, to come with his fancy camera and take a few shots of the kids for me and he did a great and quick job of it and I think they turned out quite nicely.  I've never had pictures taken one day and then have them printed and up in their frames the very next day and total spent, $10 bucks!  Blaine really was the bomb, he even came on his one year wedding anniversary which was especially kind of him.
Brock is 4 and a 1/2 and too cute!

Handsome Carter is 7.

Isaac is nearly 10 and the sweetest boy ever.

Kayli is 15 and a one photo wonder

Mark is 12 and quite the handsome young man
And McClane is about the cutest sad 2 year old I've ever seen.

As you can see McClane was far from cooperative for the photos but he's still cute!

 So that's the update and now here are a few of the many, many photos Greg took of his recent hiking adventures.  Mark and Isaac joined him on his latest one.
Aren't the colors just spectacular!

Rosie's turning out to be a great hiking companion.

Mark and Isaac are also great hiking buddies.

It's all about the journey, not a race to the top.

Nothing like a good freeze dried dinner along the trail.

Three cute hikers.

Isaac had a blast.
   So that's our photo update and hiking adventures.  Before you know it we'll be celebrating Isaac's birthday and Halloween.  We won't discuss how NOT excited I am for the coming winter weather!


Annie B Larson said...

Those are really great pictures. I need some taken too. Wish I had that background. Kayli is SO beautiful. Wow she looks so much better when she isn't pregnant.

Jackie said...

Those all turned out great! I bet Greg is loving all the time spent hiking with his boys. Making memories is the best!