Friday, August 16, 2013

Remember when.....

  Remember when I was supposed to be doing this blog post from the hospital after a successful induction August 16th instead of blogging from home with a four day old baby girl who decided she had her own agenda.  I am definitely not complaining about having the baby early but it was a little crazy.
    I'm just going to give a quick recap of little Charlie Rose's grand entrance into our world.  We were enjoying a nice visit/dinner with Greg's brother Justin and his family Sunday evening in Springville and just shortly before dinner I was discussing being induced with my sister-in-law, Cassity and how I prefer to have things scheduled and she prefers the babies to come on their own and I jokingly said, "I don't want to have this baby in the middle of the night."  Famous last words I know. Not an hour later after eating dinner I stood up and felt a small gush of water and worried that I was having a little accident but after several more gushes of water throughout the next few minutes I knew it was more than a bladder issue.  Cassity helped me out with a few towels and I went to the car where Greg had all the kids loaded up and ready to go and I told him I was pretty sure my water broke. Everyone got pretty excited and we headed on home and after calling the doctor and giving him a heads up I gathered a few things and headed to the hospital with Greg and Kayli.  We got there at 9:30 p.m. Sunday and Charlie was born at 3:16 AM Monday morning.  I did have to have Pitocin because just having my water break did not automatically start contractions so with a little help from the Pitocin to speed things up it went quite smoothly.
     So here's introducing baby number seven, Charlie Rose Kmetzsch, weighing in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. and 21 inches long.
Don't worry, she gets cuter!
Kayli was there the whole time and I do have a short video I might add later but she was quite emotional welcoming her baby sister, a far different cry than from the last baby.  Happy TEARS!!
Greg was exhausted after such a long night but this baby girl was well worth the small sacrifice of sleep.
Here's a cuter baby girl!!
She's all dressed and ready to leave the hospital.  We had to stay 48 hours due to a positive Group B Strep test on my part so it was a bit of a long stay at the hospital but she's healthy and happy and that's all that matters.
McClane had no interest in her at the hospital but the second we walked in the door he wanted to hold "it".
"I hold it, I hold it!"  And when we asked if he was done he insisted he was not!
I love this look on her face, like she's planning her revenge already!
I figured it might be a nice idea to get a photo with her even if I'm only the milk machine right now.
She's a keeper and so far a very mellow and happy baby and hands down a blue eyed girl but lets hope these blue eyes don't have the drama attached! :-)
    And just on a side note, there's not a single person brave enough in this family to attempt to fold the laundry so after they did several loads of wash the clean clothes were left in the laundry basket for mom:-)
I had two piles like this to fold, welcome home Mom!
     Next week school starts, happy and sad day!


Unknown said...

What a beautiful baby girl! I can't wait to meet her! Congratulations to you and your whole family!

Jackie said...

Thanks for being on top of posting even if you only have a baby that is five days old, oh and six other children to take care of. =) Charlie is pretty cute and I am dying to hold her. I am so happy you got another little girl. Why do I have to be so far away?! Love you!

Elaine Baker said...

Yeah Shirley! Why do you have to be so far away? What a cutie and I wish I weren't so loyal to my job and my church callings so I could come to visit her (and help fold your laundry)

Annie B Larson said...

don't feel bad I have 5 loads nobody will fold either. She is a cutie. She's definitely a girl with her own schedule. Watch out!