Saturday, September 14, 2013

One month!

    How is it possible that a whole month has already passed!?  Here's just a few photos of this past week and mainly of September 12th, Charlie's one month birthday.
Here's one of many one month photos.  She was being so cooperative I took several and they were all too cute that it was hard to just choose one.

Here's a photo the day after her one month birthday.
And here's handsome Carter having a little 'Charlie squeeze' while waiting at the orthodontist office.
    Sadly she's grown out of all her newborn sized clothes.  She's on the last package of newborn sized diapers too.  I wish she would just stay small and sweet but if nothing else I'm going to enjoy every moment of this time.  Maybe what I need is to have two or three babies at the same time and maybe then I'd be cured of the baby cravings.  Kind of like when you eat too much of your favorite food all at once and you tell yourself you'll never do that again.  Anyway, she's a sweet baby and I just wish the time would slow down just a titch.

1 comment:

Elaine Baker said...

Yeah! Just a 'titch'. What a cutie.