Friday, January 30, 2015

A couple things...

     While trying to improve the exterior of our house I thought it would be nice to change out our house numbers from the burgundy colored ones to some metal ones. I found some really cool aluminum ones online and ordered them thinking they would be perfect. I may or may not have looked at the description and specifications before ordering. Here's what came in the mail.
Cool, right?!
Pretty great until you see how big they actually are. Here are the other numbers I recently purchased in comparison.
One inch compared to four.
Just a slight size difference!  Oh well, the small ones might look cute on the mailbox.
     And then this just happened today.
1997 Ford Escort
Kayli's first vehicle purchase. She's pretty excited. I can remember when I purchased my first car/FREEDOM. It's a thrill like no other. And the punishment ante just went up 10 fold for us. (Insert evil laugh here!)


Elaine Baker said...

Cool car, Kayli! PLEASE drive responsibly and don't do anything to lose your driving privileges. PLEASE! PLEASE! And Shirley, I like your new FrontPage. Cute numbers.

Jackie said...

I can't wait to go for a ride in Kayli's new ride! lol! That is pretty exciting and crazy at the same time. Your house number looks cool. =)