Friday, February 6, 2015

Weekly photo drop

Just a few random photos from the week.
I love these mountains!!
McClane has been in some weird sleep habits.
If your roommate is sleeping on the couch, you join him.
Right now Charlie is my little buddy.
She rarely leaves me alone.
And even though she's been a little sickly recently I can never turn down her kisses. And she's learned to pucker up anytime she's in trouble, which just proves she's a genius because it's very hard to stay mad at her kissy face.
She will kiss me over and over until she's sure she's in my good graces again.
And this was McClane's lunch request the other day, soda, broccoli and eggs. 
Definitely his father's son.
And this was the highlight of Kayli's week.
This is one way to write a love note.
A cute boy at work thinks she's beautiful!
(Oh to be a teenager again, new car, flirting with boys, and nearly done with high school!)

So that's our week in a nutshell.

1 comment:

Elaine Baker said...

I'll take some of those kisses Charlie is offering and McClane and Mark's nap also looks really good.