Friday, February 19, 2016

A little decluttering and Valentine's Day.

    Saturday was a completely free day with no basketball games or anything else on the schedule so I decided it was a great time to empty out several bins of little boy clothes that I've been storing needlessly. I filled 12 garbage bags full of clothes and shoes and emptied seven or eight bins. The kids really enjoyed playing in the empty bins and Carter found a pair of shorts he was hoping he could keep.
They also found a packet of stickers and I found these little round circle stickers everywhere including all over Charlie!
Size 24 months might just be a bit on the small size for Mr. Carter.
     Greg was thrilled to have some shelves freed up in his garage and went ahead and cleaned up the garage and reorganized a few things, mainly helmets, the rest of our Saturday afternoon. Now I'm just waiting for my next burst of motivation so I can clean up the storage room.
      We also had fun celebrating Valentine's Day. We had a yummy dinner after church and watched the movie "Little Boy".
The top photo is of all 10 of us. (Kayli couldn't let us forget Smalls in the photo.)
     It was a great weekend and having Monday off from school and work was an added bonus. Unfortunately I started feeling sick on Monday and still haven't recovered so I have no further events or photos to share. I have no idea what I've got but it's pretty much knocked me out. I've been pretty useless all week and thankfully Greg has been a true champ and helped me out a ton as has Kayli. Here's hoping I recover soon and that no one else gets it.


Elaine Baker said...

Sorry you're sick, Shirley. That's the 'pits'. Be sure to keep the picture of Carter (in the shorts) for his future wife.

Grandpa Baker said...

Sorry your sick Shirley! Just so you know, we are hooked on your tv series "White Collar"! I also found one that your mom says it to intense that she watches too, "Person of Interested" little on the violent side so maybe not a kids show.

Jackie said...

Your sick and still updating your blog? I've got no excuse now. Lovely photo of all ten of you. :) Big families are the best! Miss you guys!