Friday, March 19, 2021

Free stuff!!

     Fun week and free stuff! For the third time money just appeared in my account and with that 'free' money I decided to make a few furniture changes. I know we bought a new couch recently for the front room but it was too big and not a good fit for the space so with the free money I bought another new couch that fits better and hopefully will be a good addition to the front room. I also replaced the chairs because the other chairs had already started to collapse when you sat on them and that's not comfortable. I didn't spend a fortune so this new furniture may not last too long but it's always fun to have new stuff! And it's even better when its with money we didn't have to work to get!
Baby Beau likes to chill in the windowsill with the dogs. 

She also thinks she's tiny because she was sure she would fit in this Barbie chair.
(She also tried skating on the Barbie skateboard.)
     And speaking of free stuff, our generous Bishop hooked us up with quite a few Built Bars. Unfortunately the box full of carrot cake flavored ones are not appealing to anyone but we're going to keep trying to find that special person who just might like them.


New couch and oh yeah, I also bought a new clock!

Charlie and McClane are pretty happy with the new couch. McClane was actually our shopping buddy and helped with the decision.

And there's the new chairs. They're tiny but a great fit for this small living space.

     So that's the weeks highlights. I'm also getting a new chair for my bedroom but that was also 'free' because Isaac agreed to buy it for me if I did his taxes for him, which I did and it was a nightmare so I feel like I earned it. (Instead of a "sugar daddy" he's like my "sugar son". Ha!)

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