Friday, November 4, 2011

Our new "Boy-Trouble"

     It's not long before the true adventure begins with these little people and McClane is wasting no time giving me another run for my money.  I seriously can't believe how quickly he's learning all the tricks of the trade.  This boy loves to climb, up, under, over, whatever he can find.  His favorite place is probably through the bottom of all the kitchen stools but that's not all as you'll see here.....
This is the new craze and he apparently heard about it through the "baby grapevine", PLANKING!

"Now what are you going to do?"

He was stuck in here pretty good but I couldn't snap a picture quick enough for the real hilarity but you can see he wasn't that happy. 
    He also got himself stuck in the recliner chair today.  I still don't know how he did it but he had his head up through the foot rest part and front of the chair and thankfully his dad came to the rescue with a little help from mom.  If it didn't seem so scary for him I would have taken a picture but he wasn't in the mood for that, nor was Greg so you'll just have to picture it for yourself.  We love this little "trouble-maker" and I'm sure he'll survive just like the rest of them have and hopefully we will too.

   Side Note:  Just a funny little thing Isaac said in the car yesterday.  When he climbed in the car after school I said, "Isaac, you have pretty eyes."  Then he says while looking in the rear view mirror, "I do?!  Yes, I'm going to get a girl fast."  What in the world?  What a silly boy.


meg baker said...

Ahh Isaac is his Uncle Tad's boy. Good luck with that:) Eventually they turn into wonderful men hehe. Good luck with toddler age. I'm still in holding baby and loving it phase. McClane is growing up so quickly. They are cute. I love the Halloween post. I love blogs it is like you get to be their for everyone's Halloween and you don't have to miss the fun.

Elaine Baker said...

Planking!! That's funny.

manning's said...

Oh The joy!!! I love the piano one of him.. maybe he will climb my trees some time for cutting...