Friday, November 18, 2011

She Did IT!

    Don't worry, it's a good thing.  Kayli had the chance last school year to earn her own cell phone by getting straight A's for her entire 8th grade year.  This dream was dashed early and hard when she barely pulled her grades up to passing the very first term.  I will say this, the girl can bring up failing grades pretty quick and easily but it's definitely not a good feeling getting a notice in the mail informing you your child is on the verge of failing her math class.  (That's just one of the classes she was struggling with last year.)
    So this year the dream was back in place and SHE DID IT!!  After telling me last year it was impossible and "no one" can get straight A's, she did it.  She was a little bummed about the A- in one of her classes but I'm counting it!
    Here's the magic report card, and it couldn't have come at a more opportune time, the beginning of her High School career, now lets just pray she can keep it up for the rest of 9th grade!  I actually hope she does it and I'll be happy to give her a cell phone for her 15th birthday.  (I need all the leverage I can get to keep her in line anyway.)
   So that's my bragging moment for Kayli now on to the miracle I experienced on Sunday.  As you may or may not know, I've recently been put in the primary presidency in our ward as Secretary, something I'm happy to do most of the time.  I have a weird love of typing and organizing so this call is right up my alley, but helping plan and put together a primary program is not and needless to say, I was quite worried about how our program would go.  Now of course I had only a small input but I still felt invested in this and after our one and only practice in the chapel I was more anxious then ever and there was major prayer going on that all would come together and the spirit would be there.  We have nearly 90 children in our primary and it was a challenge just finding parts and seats for all of them but I've got to tell you, it was amazing and a true miracle.  When the final song was being sung with our Laurel and Priests standing up with the primary children there was no doubt in my mind our prayers were answered and the spirit was in that chapel and the timing was perfect.  Miracles do happen!!  And just a side note, I was so relieved to have this program over and done with that I completely and utterly forgot to attend choir practice that afternoon, OOPS!
    And just one more little thing I'll share, I ordered myself new DINNERWARE!!  I know, it sounds too good to be true but it's really happening and if all goes well it'll be here by the time we come home from our Oregon trip.  And I really hope it looks as goods as I'm expecting.  I can't tell you how excited I am to get rid of my sad, cheap, IKEA plates and bowls that looked like garbage the second after we used them.  The plates I'm ordering are still plastic but hopefully a harder more durable plastic.  It's called Melamine, which I'd never heard of but I believe it's more like the plates the churches use which is more what I need.  Here's a picture of them just so you can see what kind of taste I have.  If you've seen my kitchen you'll know these plates will go perfectly with my color scheme.
  Ok, so that's it.  Have a great Thanksgiving!!


Annie B Larson said...

Those are really cool. I've heard of melamine, but only in building, never for dishes.
David uses melamine in our closet organizing systems. It is very durable and easy to clean. Let me know how they work.
Good Job Kayli. Good to know she can accomplish the impossible.

Jackie said...

Way to go Kayli!!! I think I was in sixth grade when I got straight A's and that was the last time. She totally can do it though! I really like the dishes you are getting. I have seen that type of dish and I don't see why they wouldn't hold up well. And I agree with you. They will look great in you kitchen.