Saturday, August 4, 2012

Braces, Retainers, MONEY, OH MY!

   Remember when I was at the Orthondontist Wednesday morning not once, not twice but three times all within a four hour block of time.  First Mark got his braces which took 1and a 1/2 hours.  Then it was back home with just enough time to do a little laundry and then take Isaac to get expansion retainers put in.  And just when I thought we were done I come home to find out one of the brackets on Mark's teeth had come off so right back in the car to have that cemented back on.  Thankfully the Orthondist office isn't too far from our house or I would have been going nuts.
    So now we're about $6,500 dollars poorer but if all goes as planned Isaac and Mark will have some pretty nice smiles when all this is done.
     Here are a few photos of Mark getting his braces in place.  I didn't take photos of Isaac because you really can't see his retainers but eventually he'll get braces for us to take photos of.
Doesn't that look comfy?!  You should have seen the "tongue garage" he had to deal with.
(His arm is up trying to block my camera.)

Brackets on, now he just needs wire and the rubber bands.

All done with his "free" shirt and lime colored bands.
   I ended my week on a very happy note, an hour long phone call with my favorite sister Jackie clear down in Australia and then a visit with this little cutie, Piper Elizabeth Lewis. 
    This is Greg's cousin Rebecca's first baby and she's too cute and nothing gives me more pleasure then holding a newborn baby who just sleeps and snuggles. (Baby number 7? I think YES! Greg would just rather not think.)
    So that's my weekly report!  Summer vacation is winding down all too fast, next week Alpine Days and then only a week more before school will start, NOOOO!


meg baker said...

I'm super proud of you for getting the boys braces and for the boys putting up with getting braces. It will only bless their lives. What special boys they must be to have such good parents. The Dental Hygienist in me is a proud Auntie:)

Elaine Baker said...

I agree with Megan. You're good parents to be keeping your kids teeth healthy, even if it's at great financial cost. They'll thank you later.