Friday, January 10, 2014


    This week has been especially quiet and low-key. A little time was spent working on a science project for Isaac, a little scouting assignment for Carter but mostly just day to day routine. The big event for me this week would have to be my free trial with Amazon prime. I had no idea it offered TV streaming like Netflix. I've spent way too much time watching Home and Garden TV and DIY TV this week. I LOVE before and after makeover TV shows and Netflix does not offer that type of show but Amazon prime does. Life is good! My free trial may become a full-time membership after the month is done;-)
This photo was actually taken for Marie who sent this darling sweater for Charlie.  You can't really see how cute the sweater is because Charlie's trying to eat it but you'll be seeing it in the not too far future when it will be a perfect fit for Charlie.
Isaac is conducting a science experiment with soda this week.  We bought six different sodas and are testing the fizz levels after they've been opened.  So far all the dark sodas seem to have the most fizz and longest lasting fizz.
This is probably my sis-in-law, Megan's worst nightmare but it's been a fun science project that all the kids are into.
Carter had to share a collection of some kind for scouts this week and I definitely think the toy vehicles we have count as a collection not only for Carter but all the boys in this house.
And this is just a random photo out of 100+ that McClane took with my phone the other day.  I love the camera on the new iPhones but not when McClane has access to it.  He can take way too many photos in a very short period of time if I don't catch him quick enough.  Many days I'll spend five or ten minutes just deleting photos of walls, ceilings, blurry people, etc.  I don't mind coming across a gem like this one though.  She's a DOLL!
     Well that's our week.  I'm so excited about the access to so many home and garden TV shows, I've actually been excited to get on the treadmill every day this week verses, 2 or 3 times a week.  There's nothing like a home makeover show to inspire me to clean and organize my house better too!  Yay for Amazon Prime!!


Elaine Baker said...

All this activity is tiring me out, and I just got up. Think I'll go back to bed. Love your new 'opening wall'. Keep up the good work.

Jackie said...

I so know what you mean with the 100+ photos on the phone(s), but it is always fun going through them and to come across a really cute one (like Charlie's.) I am a little jealous with this Amazon Prime. I haven't watched any home and garden shows for a very long time and I have missed them. I wonder if we could get it here? Cute header by the way. Did you use picasa?